News & Analysis In the Congress

Volume 54 Issue 6

would utilize the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Advanced Capabilities for Emergency Response to Operations Program to improve a

Bills Introduced

would direct the Secretary of Energy to develop fish and wildlife program funding alternatives to mitigate the cost to Bonneville Power Administration ratepayers.

Bills Introduced

which would require the Secretary of the Interior to reissue regulations removing the gray wolf from the list of endangered and threatened wildlife under the ESA, was passed by the House.

Chamber Action

would require the Secretary of Agriculture to prohibit the use of lead ammunition on all lands and waters under the jurisdiction and control of the Forest Service.

Bills Introduced

would ensure that certain permit approvals by EPA have the force and effect of law.

Bills Introduced

would direct the U.S. Comptroller General to submit to Congress an updated report on the roles, responsibilities, and practices of CEQ.

Bills Introduced

would prohibit the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture from prohibiting the use of lead ammunition or tackle on certain federal land or water un

Committee Action

would provide for congressional disapproval under Chapter 8 of Title 5, U.S.

Bills Introduced

would require the Administrator of EPA to carry out certain activities to protect communities from the harmful effects of plastics.

Bills Introduced

would exempt certain vessels transporting liquefied natural gas from certain coastwise endorsement requirements.

Bills Introduced