News & Analysis In the Congress

Volume 54 Issue 1

would authorize the Secretary of Energy to make awards to cover regulatory costs relating to licensing certain first-of-a-kind advanced nuclear reactors.

Bills Introduced

would amend the Federal Crop Insurance Act to direct the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation to conduct research and development on frost or cold weather insurance.

Bills Introduced

would require the federal government to produce a national adaptation and resilience strategy.

Bills Introduced

would enable timely licensing reviews for nuclear reactor facilities at brownfield sites and retired fossil fuel sites.

Bills Introduced

would amend the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area Act to adjust the boundary of the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area; amend the Apex Project, Nevada Land Transfer and Authorization Act

Bills Introduced

would direct NRC to update its mission statement to ensure licensing and regulation is efficient and is in alignment with the policies stated in the Atomic Energy Act of 195

Bills Introduced

would require the Secretary of Energy to develop a National Electric Vehicle Bidirectional Charging Roadmap.

Bills Introduced

would ratify and approve all authorizations, permits, verifications, extensions, biological opinions, incidental take statements, and any other approvals or orders issued pursuant to federal law ne

Bills Introduced

would direct NRC to submit a report and conduct a rulemaking on facilitating efficient, timely environmental reviews of nuclear reactor applications.

Bills Introduced

would require coordination among federal agencies on regulatory actions that affect the reliable operation of the bulk-power system.

Bills Introduced

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