News & Analysis In the Congress

Volume 54 Issue 2

would amend the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 to provide for high-priority research and extension grants for natural climate solutions.

Bills Introduced

would require the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, to propose a new nationwide permit under the FWPCA for dredging projects.

Bills Introduced

would amend Title 40, U.S.

Bills Introduced

would eliminate certain requirements with respect to dredging and dredged material.

Bills Introduced

would require the use of the voice and vote of the United States in international financial institutions to advance the cause of transitioning the global economy to a      c

Bills Introduced

would repeal the requirements of the Foreign Dredge Act of 1906 with respect to dredging and dredged material.

Bills Introduced

would prohibit the sale and distribution of expanded polystyrene food service ware, expanded polystyrene loose fill, and expanded polystyrene coolers.

Bills Introduced

would repeal the requirements of the Foreign Dredge Act of 1906 with respect to dredging and dredged material.

Bills Introduced

would strengthen and enhance the competitiveness of cement, concrete, asphalt binder, and asphalt mixture production in the United States through the research, development,

Bills Introduced

would eliminate certain requirements with respect to dredging and dredged material.

Bills Introduced