H.R. 1240
would transfer administrative jurisdiction of certain federal lands from the Army Corps of Engineers to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and take such lands into trust for the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska.
would transfer administrative jurisdiction of certain federal lands from the Army Corps of Engineers to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and take such lands into trust for the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska.
would direct the Secretary of Commerce to establish a task force regarding shark depredation.
would direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey to the Midvale Irrigation District the Pilot Butte Power Plant in the state of Wyoming.
would reauthorize wildlife habitat and conservation programs.
would extend authorization of the Reclamation States Emergency Drought Relief Act of 1991.
would prohibit a moratorium on the use of hydraulic fracturing.
would require promote remediation of abandoned hard-rock mines.
would require the Secretary of Energy to conduct a study and submit a report on the greenhouse emissions intensity of certain products produced in the United States and in certain foreign countries.
would provide for the exchange of certain federal land and state land in the state of Utah.
would release from wilderness study area designation certain land in the state of Montana and improve the management of that land.