H.R. 7273
would rescind certain unobligated balances relating to charging and fueling grants and national electric vehicle grants.
would rescind certain unobligated balances relating to charging and fueling grants and national electric vehicle grants.
would amend the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to provide financial assistance to states to implement expanded energy savings performance contracting programs.
would amend the CAA to provide for exclusion of air quality monitoring data that is directly due to a catastrophic or beneficial use wildfire from use in determinations with respect to exceedances or violations of the national ambient air quality standard for any air pollutant.
would require states to establish complete streets programs.
would require states to establish complete streets programs.
would amend the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 and the Animal Welfare Act to prohibit the taking, importation, exportation, and breeding of certain cetaceans for public display.
would amend the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 and the Animal Welfare Act to prohibit the taking, importation, exportation, and breeding of certain cetaceans for public display.
would amend the National Oceans and Coastal Security Act to make improvements to the Act.
would support healthy fisheries in dynamic ocean conditions.
would repeal restrictions on the export and import of natural gas.