H.R. 9062
would provide for the establishment of an Operational Flexibility Grazing Management Program on land managed by BLM.
would provide for the establishment of an Operational Flexibility Grazing Management Program on land managed by BLM.
would provide for congressional disapproval under Chapter 8 of Title 5, U.S. Code, of the rule submitted by DOI relating to “Conservation and Landscape Health.”
would direct the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Commerce to incentivize domestic seafood processing capacity, strengthen local seafood supply chains, and prohibit any federal agency from funding or regulating commercial finfish aquaculture operations in the exclusive economic zone in the absence of specific congressional authority.
would amend the Water Resources Development Act of 1992 to authorize certain funds for water and water supply infrastructure in Fremont County, Colorado.
would amend the FWPCA to establish the Patrick Leahy Lake Champlain Basin Program Foundation.
would reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program.
would designate certain communities as resilient waterfront communities.
would amend the Internal Revenue Code to expand the exclusion for certain conservation subsidies to include subsidies for water conservation or efficiency measures, stormwater management measures, and waste-water management measures.
would cancel federal oil and gas leases held by entities that manipulate the market price of oil or gas in violation of certain federal law.
would amend the Internal Revenue Code to make the re-equipping, expansion, or establishment of certain facilities relating to the production or reprocessing of critical minerals, including uranium and spent nuclear fuel, to include uranium as an applicable critical mineral for purposes of the advanced manufacturing production credit.