S. 3845
would amend the CAA to create a national zero emission vehicle standard.
would amend the CAA to create a national zero emission vehicle standard.
would amend the CAA to include fuel for ocean-going vessels as additional renewable fuel for which credits may be generated under the renewable fuel program.
would amend the CAA to revise the treatment of certain resilience actions and natural disasters and to limit the issuance of new standards for criteria pollutants.
would amend the CAA to provide for exclusion of air quality monitoring data that is directly due to a catastrophic or beneficial use wildfire from use in determinations with respect to exceedances or violations of the national ambient air quality standard for any air pollutant.
would direct the Administrator of EPA to issue a final rule adding as a class all perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom to the list of hazardous air pollutants under §112(b) of the CAA.
would amend the CAA to exempt nonroad engines and vehicles that are used for agricultural purposes from the emission standards of the Act.
would amend the CAA to include fuel for ocean-going vessels as additional renewable fuel for which credits may be generated under the renewable fuel program.
which would amend the Agricultural Act of 2014 to modify the treatment of revenue from timber sale contracts and certain payments made by counties to the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior under good neighbor agreements, passed the House.
which would amend the CAA to prevent the elimination of the sale of internal combustion engines, was passed by the House.