H.R. 4957, Bill Introduced
would amend the CAA with respect to exceptional event demonstrations.
would amend the CAA with respect to exceptional event demonstrations.
would amend the CAA with respect to exceptional event demonstrations.
would amend the CAA to delay the review and revision of the national ambient air quality standards for ozone.
would amend the CAA to delay the review and revision of the national ambient air quality standards for ozone.
would amend the CAA to prohibit the regulation of emissions of carbon dioxide from new or existing power plants under certain circumstances.
would amend the CAA to allow advanced biofuel, biomass-based diesel, and cellulosic biofuel to satisfy the mandates of the renewable fuel program only if domestically produced and eliminate the corn ethanol mandate under such program.
which amends the CAA to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles, was signed into law on June 9, 2014.
would amend the CAA to give states adequate time to revise their SIPs to prevent emissions activity within such states from contributing significantly to nonattainment in, or interfering with maintenance by, any other state with respect to any NAAQS.
which would amend the CAA to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles, was passed by the Senate.
would amend the CAA to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles.