Natl. Parks Conserv. Assn. v. EPA
Sinclair Wyoming Refining Co. v. EPA
H.R. 3570, Bill Introduced
would amend part A of title II of the CAA to exclude trailers and other vehicles that rely on a connection to a self-propelled vehicle from the definition of a motor vehicle.
H.R. 3420, Bill Introduced
would amend the Internal Revenue Code to provide for carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emission fees, reduce the rate of the corporate income tax, provide tax credits to workers, and deliver additional benefits to retired and disabled Americans.
H.R. 3128, Bill Introduced
would amend the CAA to clarify when a physical change in, or change in the method of operation of, a stationary source constitutes a modification.
H.R. 3127, Bill Introduced
would amend the CAA to exclude energy efficiency projects, pollution control projects, and reliability projects from the definition of a modification.
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