H.R. 1805
would amend the CAA to establish a tradeable performance standard covering emissions from the electricity generation and industrial sectors.
would amend the CAA to establish a tradeable performance standard covering emissions from the electricity generation and industrial sectors.
would repeal §115 of the CAA.
would impose an annual deadline of June 1 for small refineries to submit petitions for exemptions from the renewable fuel requirements under §211(o) of the CAA based on disproportionate economic hardship.
would amend the CAA to give states the option of monitoring covered criteria air pollutants in designated areas by greatly increasing the number of air quality sensors in exchange for greater regulatory flexibility in the methods of monitoring.
would amend §§111, 169, and 171 of the CAA to clarify when a physical change in, or change in the method of operation of, a stationary source constitutes a modification or construction.
would repeal certain amendments to the CAA relating to the expansion of the renewable fuel program.
would amend the CAA to create a national zero emission vehicle standard.
would amend the CAA to create a national zero emission vehicle standard.
would amend the CAA to establish a tradable performance standard covering emissions from the electricity generation and industrial sectors.
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