H.R. 1298
would establish the U.S. Foundation for International Conservation to promote long-term management of protected and conserved areas.
would establish the U.S. Foundation for International Conservation to promote long-term management of protected and conserved areas.
would reauthorize the Lake Tahoe Restoration Act.
would require reports on the dangers posed by nuclear reactors in areas that might experience armed conflict.
would improve USDA disaster assistance programs.
would establish an Outdoor Restoration Fund for restoration and resilience projects.
would establish the U.S. Foundation for International Conservation to promote long-term management of protected and conserved areas.
would reauthorize the Lake Tahoe Restoration Act.
would amend the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 to clarify propane storage as an eligible use for funds provided under the storage facility loan program.
would amend the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act to include certain communities.
would require the Secretary of Energy to direct the National Petroleum Council to issue a report with respect to petrochemical refineries in the United States.