H.R. 2882
would reauthorize the Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Trust Fund.
would reauthorize the Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Trust Fund.
would direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey to the Midvale Irrigation District the Pilot Butte Power Plant in the state of Wyoming.
would promote innovative practices for soil health through USDA conservation programs.
would direct NRC to promulgate regulations prohibiting the issuance of certain certificates and licenses without a finding that a certain system or facility can safely operate with spent nuclear fuel for a period of at least 100 years.
would amend Title 23, U.S. Code, to require transportation planners to consider projects and strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
would direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide grants to covered entities to develop, modify, or implement climate adaptation and climate mitigation proposals on agricultural land.
would direct the Administrator of FEMA to conduct a review of the criteria for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of certain mitigation projects.
would amend the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 to include as a high-priority research and extension area research on microplastics in land-applied biosolids on farmland.
would amend the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 with respect to the definition of biofuels and sustainable aviation fuel.
would amend the National Landslide Preparedness Act to reauthorize the Act.
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