Categorical exemption

The D.C. Circuit affirmed a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) order licensing a new satellite system. An environmental group argued the FCC's decision not to perform an environmental…

The Ninth Circuit, 2-1, reversed summary judgment for the Forest Service in a challenge to its approval of a mineral exploration project on land in Inyo National Forest. Environmental groups…

The Ninth Circuit affirmed a district court's denial of a preliminary injunction to halt two projects to thin vegetation in Yosemite National Park in preparation for controlled burns. An…

The Ninth Circuit vacated two district court rulings in challenges to the Forest Service's approval of a logging project in the Idaho Panhandle National Forest. An environmental group sued…

A district court denied summary judgment for environmental groups in a challenge to the Forest Service's approval of a proposed mining exploration project on public land in the eastern Sierra…

A district court denied a civil rights group's motion for summary judgment in a challenge to the Federal Highway Administration's (FHwA's) approval of a categorical exclusion for a…

The Tenth Circuit affirmed dismissal of a challenge to FWS' 2018 decision to modify certain trails in the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge. Community groups argued the modifications were…

A district court granted environmental groups' motion to preliminarily enjoin a logging project in the Willamette National Forest in areas affected by wildfires. The groups argued the Forest…

A district court granted a temporary restraining order in a lawsuit concerning the Forest Service's authorization of a tree removal and timber sale project in the Sequoia National Forest.…

A district court affirmed FWS' decision to modify the location of certain planned multi-use trails in Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge. Nonprofit groups argued FWS violated NEPA by…