Natural Resources (generally)

The Third Circuit affirmed denial of a preliminary injunction motion in a lawsuit concerning an administrative appeal of permits for a pipeline expansion in Pennsylvania. A state agency had issued…

A district court granted 16 states' motion to preliminarily enjoin the Biden Administration's temporary pause of pending decisions on liquefied natural gas exports. The states argued the…

The Sixth Circuit reversed a district court ruling in a lawsuit concerning the Line 5 Pipeline that runs underwater across the Straits of Mackinac between Michigan’s Lower and Upper Peninsulas.…

The Fifth Circuit, 2-1, affirmed two district courts' orders remanding to state court lawsuits brought by Louisiana parishes against various oil and gas companies. The parishes initially sued…

The D.C. Circuit denied an environmental group's petitions to review FERC's decision to grant time extensions for two developers to complete natural gas pipeline projects. The group…

A magistrate judge recommended that a challenge to the city of Portland's amendments to its land use code imposing certain limits on the construction of new or expanded bulk fossil fuel…

The D.C. Circuit dismissed for mootness a nonprofit group's petition to review FERC's determination that a proposed liquefied natural gas facility in Port St. Joe, Florida, fell outside…

The D.C. Circuit on remand reinstated its prior judgment in a challenge to FERC's issuance of a certificate for construction of a natural gas pipeline through the Appalachian Mountains.…

The Fourth Circuit reversed a district court order abstaining from ruling on constitutional claims brought by mineral interest owners challenging amendments to West Virginia's oil and gas…

A district court denied Indigenous and environmental groups' motion for injunction pending appeal of their challenge to BLM's approval of an oil and gas development project in the…