
The D.C. Circuit denied environmental groups' petitions to review NRC's denial of their requests to intervene in licensing proceedings for construction and operation of a spent nuclear…

The D.C. Circuit dismissed petitions to review EPA actions applying and enforcing regulations that govern disposal of coal combustion residuals (CCRs). Owners and operators of coal-fired power…

A district court denied a mining company's motion for partial summary judgment in a lawsuit concerning pollution from the company's British Columbia smelter along the Upper Columbia…

A district court granted DOE's motion to dismiss a lawsuit over the social and economic impacts of storing spent nuclear fuel at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). Butte County argued DOE…

A district court dismissed a RCRA citizen suit over a closure plan for a coal-fired power plant in Alabama. An environmental group challenged the plan, arguing it was unlawful to permanently store…

The Ninth Circuit affirmed dismissal of a lawsuit alleging the Forest Service was liable as a contributor under RCRA for failing to regulate use of lead ammunition by hunters in Kaibab National…

The Fifth Circuit granted oil and gas interest groups' and the state of Texas' petition to review NRC's issuance of a license to a private company to operate a temporary storage…

The Sixth Circuit reversed a district court ruling in a lawsuit concerning 12 oil refinery sites that operated during World War II. The current owner of the refineries sought contribution from the…

A district court granted in part and denied in part a pipeline owner's motion for summary judgment in a CERCLA suit brought by the owner of land where the pipeline is located in West Virginia…

A district court granted a federal contractor's motion for partial summary judgment in a CERCLA liability suit brought by the state of New Mexico and a Native American reservation concerning…