Four myths are distorting the national debate over permit reform. First, it is misconceived as a singular issue, with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) at its center. Second, reformers…
Little has been said on how the just transition to a decarbonized world relates to the human right, recently recognized by the United Nations General Assembly, to a clean, healthy, and sustainable…
In 2025, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) will deliver an advisory opinion on the legal obligations of nations with respect to the mounting damage caused by climate change. This ruling…
As in many other countries, climate change is driving new and complex litigation throughout India. These cases deal with a wide scope of issues, including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, renewable…
What is climate litigation? Widely accepted definitions suggest it is any litigation pertaining directly or indirectly to climate change, which encompasses both strategic and routine litigation.…
This Article addresses the pressing need for six “green states”—New York, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Montana, and Pennsylvania—to adopt quasi-judicial mechanisms for enforcement of their…
State and local environmental agencies regularly make decisions that have repercussions for tribes, including for their health and ability to maintain and continue to evolve traditional practices…
On June 13, 2024, the Environmental Law Institute and its Pro Bono Clearinghouse hosted the tenth installment of the continuing legal education series Community Lawyering for Environmental Justice…
This Comment examines the potential impact of the demise of Chevron deference on the environment and the health of residents of communities disproportionately affected by “cumulative…
Plastic pollution is emerging as a defining crisis of our time. The United States has set a national goal to eliminate plastic release into the environment by 2040 and is engaging in negotiations…