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76 FR 7142

SIP Proposal: California (new source review permitting requirements for the Imperial County air pollution control district)

76 FR 10530

EPA proposed a supplemental federal implementation plan for the Four Corners power plant on the Navajo Nation in New Mexico to reduce visibility-impairing pollution.

76 FR 9706

EPA proposed to find that Iowa's SIP is substantially inadequate to maintain the 2006 24-hour NAAQS for fine PM and proposed to finalize a time line for revision.

76 FR 9410

EPA proposed amendments and revisions to the NESHAP for primary lead smelting due to residual risk and technology reviews, a recent court decision, and a petition for rulemaking.

76 FR 8158

EPA proposed to retain the current NAAQS for carbon monoxide, except for network design requirements.

76 FR 7518

EPA proposed to update a portion of the outer continental shelf air regulations for Alaska.

76 FR 8330

SIP Proposal: Virginia (definition of VOC; see above for direct final rule)