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76 FR 20870

NOAA-Fisheries established regulations under the ESA and the Marine Mammal Protection Act to prohibit vessels from approaching or parking in the path of killer whales, except for a specific no-go zone.

76 FR 20558

FWS amended the list of endangered and threatened wildlife under the ESA by adding 10 marine taxa, delisting 1 marine taxon, reclassifying 1 marine taxon, and revising 32 marine taxa.

76 FR 20180

NOAA-Fisheries designated 3,013 square miles in Alaska as critical habitat for the Cook Inlet beluga whale distinct population segment, excluding the Port of Anchorage and portions of military lands.

76 FR 18087

FWS reclassified the Okaloosa darter from endangered to threatened under the ESA due to a substantial improvement in the species' status.

76 FR 18927

EPA approved revisions to Oklahoma's hazardous waste management program.

76 FR 18921

EPA issued a site-specific treatment variance for selenium to U.S. Ecology Nevada in Beatty, Nevada, and withdrew one for Chemical Waste Management, Inc. in Kettleman Hills, California.

76 FR 22454

DOE amended energy conservation standards for residential clothes dryers and room air conditioners.

76 FR 6594

EPA proposed to approve revisions to Florida's hazardous waste management program; see above for direct final rule.