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Maine: Wildlife

The Department of Marine Resources will conduct a public hearing to consider updates to Chapter 21, Shellfish Relay. The proposed updates would also provide compliance with the National Shellfish Sanitation Program (Model Ordinance) Chapter V, Shellstock Relaying. The proposed amendments would replace and update Chapter 22, Shellfish Culture in Closed Areas, with Chapter 2.95, Water Quality Classifications and Shellfish Aquaculture, which would be compliant with the National Shellfish Sanitation Program (Model Ordinance), Chapter VI, Shellfish Aquaculture.

Massachusetts: Air

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) will hold public hearings on amendments to 310 CMR 60.02, Regulations for the Enhanced Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program (IM). MassDEP is proposing to amend its IM regulations to update the program and comply with federal requirements that have been enacted since the regulations were last amended. The hearings will be held March 13 and 18, 2008. Comments are due March 28, 2008.

Massachusetts: Climate Change

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) will hold a public hearing to consider the adoption of amendments that specify the types of international greenhouse gas offset projects that would qualify to demonstrate compliance with the carbon dioxide emission standards of 310 CMR 7.29 should MassDEP expand the geographic scope of eligible projects beyond the United States. MassDEP is also proposing modifications to the Offset Trigger provision that specifies how MassDEP will evaluate it in 2008.

Massachusetts: Climate Change

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) adopted 310 CMR 7.70, Massachusetts Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Budget Trading Program. MassDEP also announces final amendments to 310 CMR 7.29, Emissions Standards for Power Plants, and 310 CMR 7.00 Appendix B(7), Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Credit Banking and Trading Program. Specifically, these amendments will terminate the CO2 requirements of 310 CMR 7.29 on December 31, 2008, and terminate the GHG Credit Banking and Trading Program in 2013.

Massachusetts: Air

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) will hold public hearings on amendments to 310 CMR 60.02, Regulations for the Enhanced Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program (IM). MassDEP is proposing to amend its IM regulations to update the program and comply with federal requirements that have been enacted since the regulations were last amended. The hearings will be held March 13 and 18, 2008. Comments are due March 28, 2008.

Nevada: Air

The State Environmental Commission will conduct a public hearing to consider Regulation R142-07: Minor Violation Fine Increase; Revising the Definition of a Class III Source; and Permitting Corrections/Clarifications. This regulation would revise the fines for minor violations under NAC 445B.001 to 445B.3497. The hearing will be held March 18, 2008. pp. 1-2.

Nevada: Air

The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection will conduct a public hearing to consider the amendment to NAC 445B to make it consistent with NRS 445B.825. The proposed amendment will grant an application for a waiver from emissions standards for all light-duty gasoline powered motor vehicles with a model year 1996 or newer after a sufficient attempt has been made to correct deficiencies that have caused a failure of an emissions inspection. The hearing will be held March 18, 2008.