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New Hampshire: Water

The Department of Environmental Services proposed to readopt with amendments New Hampshire Safe Drinking Water Act RSA 485 to re-organize, clarify, and streamline the rule on capacity assurance for public water systems. A public hearing will be held on February 22, 2008. Comments are due March 3, 2008.

New Jersey: Water

The Department of Environmental Protection is seeking public comment on a proposed amendment to the Sussex County, Upper Raritan, and Upper Delaware Water Quality Management Plans. The proposed amendment would expand the sewer service area of the Musconetcong Sewerage Authority Sewage Treatment Plant. A public hearing will be held on March 5, 2008. under New Jersey Register, search 40 N.J.R. 811(a).

New Jersey: Water

The Department of Environmental Protection is seeking public comment on a proposed amendment to the Tri-County Water Quality Management Plan. This amendment proposal would modify the Mansfield Wastewater Management Plan to allow for a new Village of Columbus sewage treatment plant with a limited sewer service area. Comments are due March 5, 2 under New Jersey Register, search 40 N.J.R. 812(b).

New Mexico: Air

The Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board will hold a public hearing on March 12, 2008, to discuss a proposal to adopt a new regulation, 20.11.47 NMAC, Emissions Inventory Requirements, and to incorporate 20.11.47 NMAC, Emissions Inventory Requirements, into the New Mexico SIP for air quality. This regulation is part of a broader effort by the state of New Mexico, the city of Albuquerque, and Bernalillo County to address emissions of greenhouse gases. Comments are due March 5, 2008.

New Mexico: Water

The New Mexico Water Quality Control Commission will hold a public hearing on March 11, 2008, to consider proposed amendments to the New Mexico Utility Operator Certification Regulations (20.7.4 NMAC), which pertains to criteria for identifying the minimum number of certified operators of public water supply systems or public wastewater facilities.

Washington: Land use

The Forest Practices Board has proposed a rule, WSR 8-03-009, to achieve desired future conditions in riparian management zones. This rule proposal amends WAC 222-30-021 to change timber harvest and leave tree requirements in riparian management zones adjacent to Type S and F Waters as defined in WAC 222-16-030. A public hearing will be held on October 8 and 16, 2008. Comments are due October 17, 2008.