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Arizona: Air

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality gives notice of a rulemaking docket opening for the repeal of Appendix 10, Evaluation of Air Quality Data, and Appendix 11, Allowable Particulate Emissions Computations, in their entirety. The information contained in Appendix 10 is out of date and does not comply with current monitoring protocols as designated by U.S. EPA, and Appendix 11 is not useful. pp. 1242-1243.

Colorado: Water

The Department of Public Health and Environment will conduct a public hearing for consideration of the adoption of revisions to the Classifications and Numeric Standards for Arkansas River Basin, Regulation #32 (5 CCR 1002-32), to reconsider the water quality designations for Upper Arkansas segment 26 and Fountain Creek segments 2a, 2b, 4 and 6; to consider a potential temporary modification for selenium for Fountain Creek segment 6; and to correct an error in the chronic numeric standards for cadmium in segments 2b and 2c of the Upper Arkansas River. The hearing will be held July 15, 2008.

Colorado: Water

The Department of Public Health and Environment will conduct a public hearing for consideration of revisions to the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund financial assistance rules. The proposed changes would revise the category and prioritization systems in the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Rules, Regulation #51 (5 CCR 1002-51); the State Construction Grant Priority System, Regulation #53 (5 CCR 1002-53); and the Drinking Water Grant Program (5 CCR 1003-8).

Idaho: Toxic substances

The Department of Environmental Quality seeks comment on the draft rules of a negotiated rulemaking to formalize the critical elements of the Idaho Risk Evaluation Manual that are pertinent to evaluation of petroleum release sites in order to clarify and promote consistent corrective action decisionmaking at these sites. Comments are due May 16, 2008.