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Maine: Wildlife

The Department of Marine Resources will hold a public hearing to consider the adoption of amendments to Chapter 90.20(1), Hancock County; Taunton Bay Management Area. These proposed regulations would create a pilot program for a localized resource management area within Taunton Bay. A copy of this report is available at The hearing will be held April 22, 2008. Comments are due May 2, 2008.

Maryland: Air

The Secretary of the Environment proposes to amend Regulation .01 under COMAR 26.11.01, General Administrative Provisions, and Regulation .14 under COMAR 26.11.06, General Emission Standards, Prohibitions, and Restrictions. The purpose of this action is to adopt the U.S. EPA revised rule and future changes to the federal PSD requirements under 40 CFR §52.21, which are incorporated by reference prospectively under COMAR and The proposed action will be submitted to the U.S. EPA as a revision to Maryland's SIP. The hearing will be held April 30, 2008.

Massachusetts: Water

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) will conduct public hearings to consider the adoption of amendments. MassDEP is retooling its groundwater discharge program to be more efficient while still maintaining environmental protection.

Massachusetts: Water

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection is proposing revisions to its regulations for the Stage II Vapor Recovery Program, the Environmental Results Program for perchloroethylene dry cleaning facilities, and the requirements for stationary engines and combustion turbines for combined heat and power projects. The hearings will be held April 30 and May 1, 2008. Comments are due May 12, 2008.

Minnesota: Air

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is extending the time for submission of comments, requests, and petitions on the Draft SIP Revision for Regional Haze until May 16, 2008. The purpose of this SIP revision is to address visibility protection at national parks, wildernesses, and scenic areas, also referred to as mandatory Class I federal areas. Comments are now due May 16, 2008. pp. 1855-1856.

Alaska: Air

The Department of Environmental Conservation adopted regulation changes dealing with Air Quality Control, 18 AAC 50, and Emissions Inspection and Maintenance Requirements for Motor Vehicles, 18 AAC 52, on April 4, 2008, with an effective date of May 17, 2008. The amendments to 18 AAC 50 and 18 AAC 52 add flexibility to the Vehicle Emission Inspection & Maintenance Program. These changes allow the state to suspend and reestablish local vehicle inspection programs based on the State Air Quality Control Plan.