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Tennessee: Waste

There will be a public rulemaking hearing before the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Solid Waste Management, acting on behalf of the Tennessee Solid Waste Disposal Control Board, to consider the adoption and promulgation of amendment of Tennessee Rule 1200-1-11-.08 - Fee System for Transporters, Storers, Treaters, Disposers, and Certain Generators of Hazardous Wastes and for Certain Used Oil Facilities or Transporters of Rule Chapter. The hearing will be held April 14, 2008. Comments are due April 25, 2008.

Washington: Climate Change

The Department of Ecology and the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council will hold public hearings on proposed rules to set emissions performance standards for power plants that emit greenhouse gases. The 2007 Washington Legislature directed the two agencies to develop and adopt the rule by June 30, 2008.