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Tennessee: Air

The Department of Environment and Conservation amended Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200.03.29, Light-Duty Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance. Changes add definitions for low- and medium-speed vehicles and exempt them from inspection requirements. The rule takes effect February 7, 2011.

Vermont: Governance

The Department of Environmental Conservation seeks public comment on draft regulations related to environmental ticketing. The rule would allow the Department to issue Vermont Civil Violation Citations for violations of Vermont§s environmental laws, rules, regulations and permits, with fines up to $3,000. The measure is a new compliance tool but does not expand the Department's jurisdiction. Comments are due by November 26, 2010.

Washington: Toxic substances

The Department of Ecology proposed amendments to Wash. Admin. Code Chapter 173-334, Children's Safe Products-Reporting Rule. The rule would require manufacturers of children's products to report the presence of chemicals of high concern to children to the department. There will be a public hearing on December 9, 2010, and the comment period ends December 31, 2010. The intended date of adoption is March 15, 2011.

California: Waste

The Office of Spill Prevention and Response proposed amendments to Cal. Code Regs. tit. 14, §4.817.02, pertaining to the Marine Facility Contingency Plan Requirements. The proposal would amend the regulations for the determination of the Reasonable Worst Case Spill Volume for offshore platforms, with and without active well drilling, increasing the daily production factor from 7 to 30 days. The deadline for written comments is January 3, 2011. pp. 1947-49.

California: Toxic substances

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment proposed to amend Calif. Code Regs. tit. 27, §§25801 & 25803, No Observable Effect Levels. Amendments would change certain references to "dose level" to "level of exposure," and add language describing the definition of "no observable effect level." In addition, the office will add a default bodyweight for children and infants. The deadline for public comment is January 28, 2011. pp. 1998-2000.

Delaware: Air

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control adopted 7 Del. Admin. Code §60.1140, Delaware's National Low Emission Vehicle Regulation. The regulation adds a state Low Emission Vehicle program, incorporating the requirements from California's program, and mandating that only California-certified vehicles may be legally sold in the state starting in 2013.