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Texas: Waste

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality will conduct a hearing to consider the adoption of amendments to §328.4, pursuant to House Bill 2541, 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007. The bill requires the commission to establish rules regarding the size, content, and fire safety features for non-permitted and non-registered municipal solid waste recycling facilities that store combustible materials to produce compost or mulch and are located in certain counties that have sole source aquifers and that have a population of more than 1.3 million. The hearing will be held April 28, 2008.

Utah: Wildlife

The Department of Natural Resources is soliciting public comment on proposed amendments to R657-3, Collection, Importation, Transportation, and Possession of Zoological Animals. The amendments to this rule clarify wording on native and nonnative species and to add classification status to additional fish, crustaceans, and mollusk species. Comments are due May 1, 2008. pp. 45-47.

Utah: Wildlife

The Department of Natural Resources is soliciting public comment on proposed amendments to R657-53, Amphibian and Reptile Collection, Importation, Transportation, and Possession. This rule amendment is to clarify procedures, standards, and requirements for the collection, importation, transportation, and possession of amphibians and reptiles. The revisions to this rule change the classification status for tiger salamanders and the Great Plains toad. Comments are due May 1, 2008.

Washington: Waste

The Department of Ecology is soliciting public comments on the proposal to amend Chapter 173-303 WAC, Dangerous Waste Regulations, to incorporate several federal hazardous waste regulations, including updates to manifest requirements, merging universal waste rules for mercury containing devices and mercury thermostats, and incorporating some of U.S. EPA's Burden Reduction Initiative rules. Comments are due April 25, 2008.

Virginia: Water

The State Water Control Board will conduct public hearings to consider the adoption of amendments to numerous rules concerning water quality standards. These standards will be used in setting Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit limits and for evaluating the waters of the commonwealth for inclusion in the CWA §305(b) report and on the §303(d) list. The hearings will be held May 1 - 8, 2008. Comments are due May 30, 2008. pp.

Wisconsin: Wildlife

The Department of Natural Resources will hold a public hearing on revisions to chs. NR 1, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, and 19, Wis. Adm. Code, relating to hunting, trapping, captive wild animals, dog training, nuisance animal removal, wildlife rehabilitation, and license issuance. The hearing will be held April 15, 2008. Comments are due April 16, 2008.