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Kentucky: Water

The Division of Water will conduct a public hearing on proposed amendments to 401 KAR 9:010 Section 401 Individual Water Quality Certification public notice and 401 KAR 9:020 Section 401 Water Quality Certification Fees. The hearing will be held April 22, 2008. Comments are due April 30, 2008.

Louisiana: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality has adopted amendments to the air regulations, LAC 33:III.701, 703, and 711. This rule updates the Louisiana air quality regulations to include the revised NAAQS particle standards. pp. 433-434.

Louisiana: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality has adopted a renewal of and revision to Emergency Rule MM004E2, which was effective on November 15, 2007, and published in the Louisiana Register on November 20, 2007. This revision adds additional solid waste and underground storage tank violations to LAC 33:I.807, clarifies various existing violations, and adjusts existing penalty amounts to be consistent for similar violations. pp. 377-383.

Maine: Waste

The Board of Environmental Protection is soliciting public comment on the proposal to amend Ch. 900 of its biomedical waste rules. The Board is proposing in these amendments to eliminate outdated incineration standards, eliminate all references to biomedical waste disposal, propose an annual registration fee for all generators, adopt the Department's rules for processing applications by reference and finally to allow properly packaged sharps to be mailed via the U. S. Postal Service to a licensed treatment facility. Comments are due April 11, 2008.

Maine: Water

The Department of Environmental Protection has adopted amendments to rules regarding industrial pretreatment. This is a routine periodic update of an existing rule being done to maintain consistency with EPA's parallel Industrial Pretreatment Program, 40 CFR Part 403. Changes to the federal regulation, collectively referred to as the "Pretreatment Streamlining Rule", effective November 14, 2005, are incorporated therein. This change became effective March 17, 2008.

Massachusetts: Air

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection will hold public hearings on revisions to its 310 CMR 7.00 et seq. air pollution control regulations for Stage II Vapor Recovery, the Environmental Results Program for perchloroethylene dry cleaning facilities, and the requirements for stationary engines and combustion turbines for combined heat and power projects. Public hearings will be held April 30 and May 1, 2008.

Minnesota: Water

The Pollution Control Agency adopted permanent rules relating to water quality, including 7050.0220 - Specific Water Quality Standards By Associated Use Classes, 7050.0222 - Specific Water Quality Standards For Class 2 Waters Of The State; Aquatic Life And Recreation, and 7050.0470 - Classifications For Surface Waters In Major Drainage Basins. pp. 1699-1728.