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Ohio: Water

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency will conduct a public hearing on proposed amendments to the following rules of the Administrative Code: 3745-11-01, Definitions; 3745-11-02, Standard and special connection bans; and 3745-11-03, Connection ban variances. The Connection Ban Standards allow Ohio EPA to issue orders to either a municipality or a governmental body to prohibit connection to sanitary sewers or installation of new on-lot treatment systems for households, etc., if there is a proven or imminent public health or environmental impact.

Oregon: Land use

The Land Conservation and Development Department held a public hearing on proposed amendments to rules concerning the process and criteria for establishing urban and rural reserves in the Portland Metro region. This is a revision of a rulemaking notice issued previously. The proposed new rules, to be codified under a proposed new division 27 of OAR 660, would specify a process and criteria for the designation of urban and rural reserves in the Portland Metropolitan area.

Texas: Water

The Texas Water Development Board adopted amendments to Chapter 356, Groundwater Management. The rule amendments and new rules provide clarification, improve grammar and readability, define the processes and procedures associated with Chapter 356, and better align the rules with existing statutory requirements contained in Chapter 36, Water Code, relating to Groundwater Conservation Districts.

Utah: Toxic substances

The Radiation Control Board is soliciting public comment on proposed amendments to R313-15, Standards for Protection Against Radiation. This rule incorporates, by reference, information from 10 CFR 20, 29 CFR 1910.134, and 49 CFR. The edition year of these federal regulations was updated to 2007. The definition for "labeled package" was revised to update the edition year of 49 CFR and to correct a citation given for 49 CFR 173.403. Incorrect reference to two subsections in Rule R313-32 was also fixed in Section R313-15-903. Comments are due February 14, 2008.

Utah: Water

The Department of Natural Resources is soliciting public comment on proposed new rule R653-2, Financial Assistance from the Board of Water Resources. The purpose of this rule is to provide the standards and procedures for providing technical and financial assistance to water users to achieve the highest beneficial use of water resources within the state. This rule describes three revolving construction loan funds. It also describes the priority system used by the Board of Water Resources in determining how to allocate monies from those funds.

Virginia: Waste

The Virginia Waste Management Board is soliciting public comment on the proposal to repeal 9VAC20-80, Solid Waste Management Regulations, and promulgating 9VAC20-81, Solid Waste Management Regulations. The purpose of the proposed action is to review each section of the regulation for clarity and complexity in order to transform the regulation into a standard that is easier for the public and regulated community to read and to follow. Comments are due February 28, 2008.

Arizona: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality has adopted amendments to air quality rule R18-2-903, Standards of Performance for Fossil-fuel Fired Steam Generators, to reflect proposed changes to the compliance demonstration by Arizona Public Service at the Cholla generating station resulting from the addition of air pollution control equipment to the facility. pp. 230-235.