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Massachusetts: Toxic substances

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection adopted amendments to 310 CMR 50.00, Toxic Use Reduction Act (TURA)§Phase 2. The Phase 2 regulatory amendments implement statutory changes that affect planning requirements under TURA, including new options for resource conservation planning and environmental management systems (EMSs). They establish new planning alternatives available for plans due by July 1, 2008. There are approximately 600 facilities subject to TURA in Massachusetts, many of which will be able to take advantage of the new options.

Massachusetts: Toxic substances

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection adopted amendments to 310 CMR 74.00, 75.00, and 70.00, Mercury Management Act Phase 1. These regulations implement the initial programs established by the Mercury Management Act (Chapter 190 of the Acts of 2006).

Massachusetts: Water

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection adopted amendments to Wetlands Protection Act Regulations, 310 CMR 10.00, and 401 Water Quality Certification for Discharge of Dredged or Fill Material, Dredging, and Dredged Material Disposal in Waters of the United States within the Commonwealth, 314 CMR 9.00§Stormwater Regulations.

Minnesota: Water

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) requests comments on possible amendment to rules governing the management of Minnesota§s shoreland areas. The DNR is considering rule amendments to address emerging shoreland issues and changes in development patterns that have occurred since the last rule amendment in 1989. Draft rules have not yet been developed. Comments are due May 20, 2008. pp. 1319-1320.

Missouri: Water

The Clean Water Commission will conduct a public hearing on amendments to 10 CSR 20-4.010, Construction Grants and Loan Priority System. The Clean Water Commission is amending the rule title and sections (1), (2), and (5) and deleting sections (3) and (4). This amendment changes the way in which the commission will prioritize projects for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and certain state grant and loan programs.

Missouri: Water

The Department of Natural Resources will conduct a public hearing to consider amendments to 10 CSR 20-7.031, Water Quality Standards. The Department of Natural Resources is amending subsection (2)(D) to create a reference to a new procedure developed to implement the antidegradation policy pursuant to 40 CFR 131.12. The state previously developed and promulgated an antidegradation policy in section (2) of this rule and is now proposing to incorporate into subsection (D) of this rule a reference to the implementation methods adopted by the Clean Water Commission on April 20, 2007.

New Hampshire: Water

The Department of Environmental Services will conduct a public hearing on proposed amendments to Env-Wt 101.70, Env-Wt 101.81, and Env-Wt 101.99. The Department proposes to adopt definitions for "primary vernal pool indicators," "secondary vernal pool indicators," and "vernal pool." A hearing will be held February 21, 2008. Comments are due March 3, 2008. pp. 5-6.

New Hampshire: Water

The Department of Environmental Services will conduct a public hearing on proposed amendments to Env-Wt 301.01, Env-Wt 301.02(c), Env-Wt 302.04(a)(7), and Env-Wt 304.05. The proposed amendments to Env-Wt 301.01 clarify that vernal pools must be delineated on all plans accompanying applications for minor and major impact projects. The proposed amendment to Env-Wt 302.04(a)(7) adds a requirement for the applicant to evaluate the impact of the proposed projects on vernal pools and to consider the impact in the project§s design.

New Jersey: Water

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is soliciting public comment on the proposal to readopt rules at N.J.A.C. 7:14D, Determination of Environmental Benefit of the Reuse of Further Treated Effluent in Industrial Facilities, without change. Comments are due March 22, 2008.