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Maryland: Toxic substances

The Department of the Environment will conduct a public hearing on the revision and adoption of new regulations under COMAR 26.16.01, Accreditation and Training for Lead Paint Abatement Services; COMAR 26.16.02, Reduction of Lead Risk in Housing; and COMAR 26.16.05, Procedures for Performing Lead Abatement Services.

Massachusetts: Toxic substances

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection adopted amendments to 310 CMR 40.00, the Massachusetts Contingency Plan§Modifications to Numerical Standards and Other Changes. These amendments update numerical cleanup standards and strengthen and clarify the performance standards and requirements for the assessment and cleanup of disposal sites.

Nevada: Toxic substances

The State Environmental Commission proposed to amend secondary containment requirements for USTs and under-dispenser containment for motor fuel dispensers.

Nevada: Toxic substances

The State Environmental Commission proposed to amend regulations relating to delivery prohibitions for USTs used to contain regulated substances.

South Dakota: Wildlife

The Department of Game, Fish and Parks held a public hearing to consider the amendment of various endangered and threatened species lists. The amendments include changes to the listed Latin and English names of several species and the delisting of the Black Bear (Ursus americanus) from the List of Threatened Mammals. The hearing was held January 10, 2008. p. 196.

Virginia: Water

The State Water Control Board adopted amendments to General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit for Discharges from Petroleum Contaminated Sites and Hydrostatic Tests rules 9 VAC 25-120-10, 9 VAC 25-120-20, 9 VAC 25-120-50, 9 VAC 25-120-60, 9 VAC 25-120- 70, and 9 VAC 25-120-80. The rules become effective February 6, 2008. pp. 1106-1123.