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Michigan: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division, will conduct a public hearing on proposed administrative rules promulgated pursuant to Part 55, Air Pollution Control, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended (Act 451); Part 8, Emission Limitations and Prohibitions§Oxides of Nitrogen, R 336.1801, R 336.1802a, R 336.1803, R 336.1821 to R 336.1823, and R 336.1830 to R 336.1833. These amendments are being proposed to meet the requirements of U.S. EPA's Clean Air Interstate Rule. The revisions address deficiencies noted by U.S.

New Hampshire: Air

The Department of Environmental Services will hold a public hearing to consider the readoption, with amendments, of Env-A 1001, Open Burning, which sets forth general open burning requirements, definitions, and a list of materials that are allowed to be burned in the state, and lists absolute prohibitions against the burning of certain types of materials. The department is proposing to amend Env-A 1001 to make it consistent with RSA 125-C:10-c, Combustion Ban, which became effective January 1, 2008. The hearing will be held June 30, 2008. Comments are due July 10, 2008.

New Hampshire: Water

The Department of Environmental Services will hold a public hearing to consider the adoption and readoption, with amendments, of the requirements and procedures for obtaining permits under RSA 485-A:17 for activities that alter terrain and/or existing runoff conditions. The hearing will be held May 30, 2008. Comments are due July 11, 2008.

Ohio: Water

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency adopted amendments to Administrative Code 3745-11-01, Definitions; 3745-11-02, Standard and special connection bans; and 3745-11-03, Connection ban variances. The Connection Ban Standards allow Ohio EPA to issue orders to either a municipality or a governmental body to prohibit connection to sanitary sewers or installation of new on-lot treatment systems for households, etc., if there is a proven or imminent public health or environmental impact.