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Indiana: Water

The Water Pollution Control Board gives notice that the date has changed for the public hearing on a rulemaking authorized under IC 13-14-9-14 to establish the city of Indianapolis's Combined Sewer Overflow Wet Weather Limited Use Subcategory of the recreational use designated use category. The hearing will now be held July 9, 2008.

Louisiana: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality amended the UST regulations at LAC 33:XI.1121. This rule provides for the use of a lien in substitute for the owner's financial responsibility required by law for a UST owner who has established inability to pay and ceased operations. pp. 864-865.

Louisiana: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality amended the Environmental Quality regulations at LAC 33:I.3931; V.3099; IX.2301, 4901, and 4903; and XV.1517. This rule is identical to federal regulations found in 10 CFR Part 71, Appendix A; 40 CFR 117.3, Part 136, Part 266, Appendices I-IX and XI-XIII, 302.4, 302.6(e), 355.40(a)(2)(vii), Part 401, Parts 405-415, and Parts 417-471; and 72 FR 40245-40250, which are applicable in Louisiana. pp. 865-867.

Maine: Wildlife

The Maine Department of Marine Resources will hold a public hearing to consider gear restrictions for consistency and for compliance with the federal requirements in the NOAA-Fisheries Service Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan Final Rule in accordance with the Marine Mammal Protection Act. The various gear restrictions would apply to trap and pot fisheries (including but not limited to all crab species, hagfish, finfish, whelk, and shrimp), plus gillnet fisheries inside the Maine Sliver Area and federal waters. The hearing will be held June 16, 2008. Comments are due June 26, 2008.

Maine: Land use

The Land Use Regulation Commission is seeking public comment on proposed changes of the lake management classification and associated zoning for Debsconeag Deadwater. The proposal would change Debsconeag Deadwater from a Management Class 1 to a Management Class 2 lake, and would consequently replace the adjacent quarter-mile Recreation Protection Subdistrict with a 500-foot wide Accessible Lake Protection Subdistrict. Comments are due June 27, 2008.

Michigan: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division, will conduct a public hearing on proposed administrative rules promulgated pursuant to Part 55, Air Pollution Control, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended (Act 451); Part 18, Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality, R 336.1801, R 336.1816, and R 336.1818. These amendments are being proposed to meet U.S. EPA's requirements for the PSD SIP. The public hearing will be held on June 19, 2008.