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Virginia: Water

The State Water Control Board will hold a public hearing to consider the amendment of 9VAC25-860, General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit for Potable Water Treatment Plants (adding 9VAC25- 860-10 through 9VAC25-860-70). The hearing will be held June 17, 2008. Comments are due June 11, 2008. pp. 2550-2560.

Wisconsin: Air

The Department of Natural Resources, Air Pollution Control, adopted new air pollution control chapter NR 433 and section 484.04 (11m), relating to the identification of sources subject to the Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) requirements for visibility protection and the determination of BART for those sources. This rule becomes effective July 1, 2008. p. 32.

Arizona: Air

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality issued proposed revisions to Section R18-2-602, Unlawful Open Burning, consistent with U.S. EPA's new requirements in 40 CFR 60, Subpart EEEE, federally effective June 16, 2006, for certain other solid waste incineration (OSWI) units and new air curtain incinerators.

Arizona: Air

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality issued proposed revisions to Emissions from Existing and New Nonpoint Sources and Emissions from Mobile Sources (New and Existing). The department is considering clarifying the "reasonable precautions" requirement to address U.S. EPA concerns regarding the enforceability of the rules as written. pp. 1844-1845.

California: Toxic substances

The California Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, is soliciting public comment on proposed rulemaking to establish a specific regulatory level having no observable effect for one chemical, di-n-hexyl phthalate, and amend Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Section 128051. Comments are due June 30, 2008. pp. 735-738.