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Oklahoma: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality adopted amendments to solid waste management rules OAC 252:515, Appendix C, List of Hazardous Inorganic and Organic Constituents, to delete the suggested methods and "practical quantitation limits" columns of Appendix C to update it to the current Federal Appendix II to 40 CFR 258.

Oklahoma: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality adopted amendments to 252:4-7-73, Water Quality Applications, Tier I, and 252:4-7-74, Water Quality Applications, Tier II. The proposed changes to the Water Quality Application Tier rules clean up language to make the classifications of Tier I permits consistent, clarify that modifications to or the addition of impoundments to an existing permitted industrial wastewater system is a Tier I application, and add language to clarify that a new industrial wastewater treatment system application is classified as a Tier II.

Oklahoma: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality adopted changes to its Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) rules to implement changes to the Priority Project System and the Finding Priority Formula necessary to meet federal and state requirements. Additionally, some of the changes to this chapter reconcile the requirements in Chapter 633 of the Department rules with the DWSRF requirements of the Oklahoma Water Resources Board. The remaining changes correct typographical errors and make other language clarification changes.

Rhode Island: Water

The Department of Environmental Management will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to the Rules and Regulations for the Priority Determination System for Federal and State Assistance to Local Governmental Units for Construction of Water Pollution Abatement Projects. The proposed amendments update the project rating criteria. The hearing will be held June 16, 2008.

Virginia: Water

The State Water Control Board adopted 9VAC25-120, General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Regulation for Discharges From Petroleum Contaminated Sites, Groundwater Remediation and Hydrostatic Tests (amending 9VAC25-120-80); 9VAC25-193, General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit for Concrete Products Facilities (amending 9VAC25-193- 40, 9VAC25-193-70); and 9VAC25-196, General Virginia