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Florida: Air

The Department of Environmental Protection will conduct a public hearing, if requested, to consider proposed amendments to 62-210.370, Emissions Computation and Reporting, and 62-210.900, Forms and Instructions. The proposed rule amendments update the Annual Operating Report (AOR) form and instructions (DEP Form No. 62-210.900(5)) to include the emissions computation and reporting requirements of Rule 62-210.370, F.A.C., and to modify other air emissions reporting procedures on the form. The proposed amendments to Rule 62-210.370, F.A.C., extend the AOR submittal deadline.

Hawaii: Land use

The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) proposed to create the Poamoho Natural Area Reserve within state-owned land that is currently part of the uppermost portion of the §Ewa Forest Reserve (TMK 7-2-01). It is located above the 1,800 foot elevation between the Poamoho and Schofield-Waikane trails and bounded by the summit of the Ko§olau Mountains.

Maine: Climate Change

The Department of Environmental Protection will conduct a public hearing to consider the adoption of amendments to Chapter 156, CO2 Budget Trading Program amendments, and new rule Chapter 158, CO2 Budget Trading Program Auction Provisions. The Department is proposing amendments to Chapter 156, which established a carbon dioxide cap-and-trade program in Maine to stabilize and reduce CO2 emissions from large electric generators.

Maryland: Toxic substances

The Department of the Environment has adopted amendments to regulations .01, .02, .04, .06, .08, .09, .11, .14, .16, and .20 under COMAR 26.16.01, Accreditation and Training of Lead Paint Abatement Services; amendments to regulations .03, .04, .05, and .06 under COMAR 26.16.02, Reduction of Lead Risk in Housing; and new regulations .01 - .13 under a new chapter, COMAR 26.16.05, Procedures for Performing Lead Abatement Services.

Massachusetts: Air

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection will hold public hearings on a proposed new section in Air Pollution Control Regulations to address outdoor hydronic heaters, also known as outdoor wood boilers, installed after the effective date of these proposed regulations and to address the operation of outdoor hydronic heaters installed before the effective date. The proposed regulations have requirements for manufacturers, sellers and owners of outdoor hydronic heaters. The hearings will be held June 12, 16, 18, and 19, 2008. Comments are due July 3, 2008.