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South Dakota: Waste

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Board of Minerals and Environment, will hold a public hearing on the proposal to eliminate the minimum 100-feet surface casing requirement for oil and gas wells to allow the Secretary of the department to determine how much surface casing is required for all new oil and gas wells on a case-by-case basis. The hearing will be held May 15, 2008. p. 288.

South Dakota: Waste

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Board of Minerals and Environment, will hold a public hearing to amend rules in Chapter 74:11:08 to update the requirements for plugging mineral exploration test holes to make the rules consistent with the well construction standards found in Chapter 74:02:04; to allow the use of alternative test hole plugging methods; and to allow the commonly used method of plugging test holes with bentonite chips in special circumstances.

Texas: Water

The Commission on Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing to consider the adoption of rules for structures that are connected to a public water supply system and have a rainwater harvesting system for indoor use. The structure must have appropriate cross-connection safeguards, and the rainwater harvesting system may be used only for nonpotable indoor purposes. The commission's standards and rules adopted under THSC, Chapter 341, do not apply to a person who harvests rainwater for domestic use and whose property is not connected to a public drinking water supply system.

Texas: Water

The Commission on Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing to consider incorporating into agency rules changes to statute that became effective September 1, 2007, based on language in House Bill 3554 and HB 1956, 80th Legislature, 2007; to incorporate certain UST provisions of the federal Energy Policy Act of 2005; and to update certain technical requirements pertaining to USTs.

Wisconsin: Wildlife

The Department of Natural Resources will hold a public hearing on Natural Resources Board Emergency Order No. FH-40-07A(E), which took effect on April 4, 2008. The order revises chapters NR 19 and 20, Wis. Adm. Code, pertaining to control of fish diseases and invasive species, as affected by Natural Resources Board Emergency Order No. FH-40-07(E), which took effect on November 2, 2007. Emergency Order FH-40-07A(E) deals with the viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus, which is present in Wisconsin waters. The hearing will be held April 12, 2008. Comments are due April 16, 2008.

Alaska: Toxic substances

The Department of Environmental Conservation is soliciting public comment on the proposal to adopt regulation changes in Title 18 of the Alaska Administrative Code, dealing with 18 AAC 75, Oil and Other Hazardous Substances Pollution Control, including adjustments to the dollar amounts of financial responsibility in accordance with changes to the Anchorage Consumer Price Index (CPI). The Anchorage CPI was published in February 2008 and the Department is proposing amendments to the financial responsibility section of the regulations to correspond with the updated Anchorage CPI.

Arizona: Water

The Department of Water Resources proposed to adopt new rules to implement A.R.S. Title 45, Chapter 2, Article 8.1, Withdrawals of Groundwater for Transportation to Active Management Area. These statutory provisions authorize the transportation of groundwater from certain lands in the McMullen Valley groundwater basin, the Butler Valley groundwater basin, the Harquahala Irrigation Non-expansion Area (INA), and the Big Chino sub-basin of the Verde River groundwater basin into an active management area.

California: Air

The Air Resources Board will hold a public hearing to consider amendments to the Regulation for Reducing Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions from Consumer Products. The proposed regulatory action would amend the existing Consumer Products Regulation by adding and modifying product category definitions and by establishing new or lower VOC limits for multiple categories. The hearing will be held June 26, 2008. pp. 700-704.