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Arizona: Air

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) gives notice of a rulemaking docket opening to amend its rules providing for the review and permitting of new and modified stationary sources of air pollution (NSR). ADEQ will seek to adopt revisions that can be approved by U.S. EPA as replacements for the SIP program, thus eliminating the difference between regulations ADEQ has adopted and those U.S. EPA has approved.

California: Governance

The Fish and Wildlife Commission will hold a public hearing to consider the proposal to amend Section 670.2, Title 14, California Code of Regulations, relating to Plants of California Declared to Be Endangered, Threatened or Rare. The Department of Fish and Game proposes to amend Subsection (a), Section 670.2, Title 14, CCR, to remove Truckee barberry (Mahonia sonnei) from the list of endangered plants as it is not distinct from creeping barberry (Berberis aquifolium var. repens).

Delaware: Wildlife

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control will conduct a public hearing to consider the adoption of proposed new regulation 19.0, Bald Eagle Protection. The new regulation will define disturbance by proposing to adopt the same protection to eagle nest sites that was formerly provided under the ESA prior to the eagle§s removal from the federal endangered species list in August of 2007. The hearing will be held June 4, 2008. Comments are due June 14, 2008.

Florida: Land use

The Department of Environmental Services, Division of Beaches and Shores, is proposing changes to Chapter 62B-33, F.A.C., to clarify that Chapter 62B-56, F.A.C. will govern the use of all sand-filled geotextile containers as the core of a reconstructed dune and that sand-filled geotextile containers shall not be authorized by local governments as an emergency armoring structure. If requested, a hearing will be held May 30, 2008.

Indiana: Waste

The Solid Waste Management Board adopted new rules 329 IAC 9-1-10.7, 329 IAC 9-1-15.5, 329 IAC 9-1-19.5, 329 IAC 9-1-38.5, 329 IAC 9-1-38.7, 329 IAC 9-1-38.9, and 329 IAC 9-4.5 concerning delivery prohibition of regulated substance at USTs as mandated by the Underground Storage Tank Compliance Act, part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and repealed 329 IAC 9-1-38.2 and 329 IAC 9-1-38.3.

Maine: Air

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public hearing to consider the adoption of amendments to Chapter 115, Major and Minor Source Air Emission License Regulation; and Chapter 149, General Permit for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants. The Department is proposing a new rule that allows most nonmetallic mineral processing plants, defined as any combination of a rock crusher and stationary engine functioning in conjunction, to obtain a permit from the Department without going through the licensing process currently required by Chapter 115.