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New Hampshire: Water

The Department of Environmental Services will conduct a public hearing to consider proposed amendments to Env-Wq 1400, Shoreland Protection. The revisions to the existing rules are primarily intended to establish the procedures and criteria for shoreland permits and to otherwise reflect the statutory changes. The hearing will be held January 16, 2008. Comments are due January 28, 2008.

Oklahoma: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality is considering numerous air quality control rule changes, including increasing the annual operating fees found in OAC 252:100-5-2.2(b) for minor facilities and Part 70 sources; amending OAC 252:100-9 to modify excess emission reporting requirements; amending OAC 252:100-24-3 to correct the reference to OAC 252:100-41 to OAC 252:100-42, Control of Toxic Air Contaminants; clarifying the language in OAC 252:100-24-4; revising OAC 252:100-33 to resolve issues regarding emission standards for direct-fired fuel burning equipment, turbines, and equipment with t