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Arizona: Toxic substances

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) amended and added new rules to UST rules in Chapter 12.

Colorado: Air

The Air Quality Control Commission will hold a rulemaking hearing to incorporate by reference changes the U.S. EPA made to its NESHAP rules.

Colorado: Air

The Air Quality Control Commission will hold a public rulemaking hearing to consider a proposal to reduce the levels of emissions that cars and light-duty trucks are required to meet under the emission testing requirements of the program in the seven-county Denver metropolitan area. The hearing will be held March 20, 2008. Comments are due March 6, 2008.

Connecticut: Air

The Commissioner of Environmental Protection gives notice of a public hearing as part of a rulemaking proceeding to adopt two new regulations concerning the abatement of air pollution from electric generating units with a nameplate capacity equal to or greater than 25 megawatts. The proposed regulations, section 22a-174-31 and section 22a-174-31a of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, concern the adoption of regulations necessary to implement and comply with the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative in Connecticut. The hearing will be held February 8, 2008.

Delaware: Air

The Division of Air and Waste Management will conduct a public hearing to consider amendment to Regulation No. 1138, Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories. The purpose of this amendment to Subpart M of Regulation No. 1138 (the federal Maximum Achievable Control Technology standard applicable to perchloroethylene dry cleaning facilities) is to be consistent, where appropriate, with federal requirements and to further reduce the remaining risk of adverse health affects, where reasonably and economically feasible. The hearing will be held January 22, 2008.

Illinois: Land use

The Department of Natural Resources is soliciting public comment on numerous proposed new sections in 17 Ill. Adm. Code 2580, Conservation Stewardship Program. This proposal would implement the Conservation Stewardship Law (Senate Bill 17), signed on October 1, 2007, which encourages landowners to preserve or create wooded acreage, wetlands, and prairies by giving them a property tax break for their participation in the Conservation Stewardship Program. The proposal establishes the rules and regulations for qualification, application, and participation in this program.