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Ohio: Air

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Air Pollution Control, will hold a public hearing on proposed new rules in Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3745-111 establishing an Emission Reduction Credit (ERC) banking program for the purpose of enabling the acquisition of offsets and providing for a more efficient way to generate, transfer, and use ERCs. The hearing will be September 23, 2008.

Oklahoma: Air

The Oklahoma Conservation Commission adopted emergency rules under Title 155, Chapter 30, Carbon Sequestration Certification Program, providing the structure of the Carbon Certification Program and outlining the requirements for voluntary participation. The rules define a state verified carbon offset and the interaction between offset buyers, verifiers, project owners, and the state carbon registry.

West Virginia: Air

The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection seeks public comment on the proposal to submit several rules to U.S.

Texas: Land use

The Texas Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, General Land Office, is proposing the amendment of 31 TAC §13.17, a regulation addressing rights-of-way over public lands. The amendment would alter the applicable fees for pipeline right-of-way easements across public lands and change the number of and boundaries of the regions that define the geographic limits to which these fees apply.

Texas: Water

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is proposing a new regulation that would provide a streamlined process to authorize the construction and operation of reclaimed water production facilities at a location other than a permitted domestic wastewater treatment facility.

Virginia: Wildlife

The Virginia Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Marine Resources Commission, amended 4 VAC 20-140, which describes lawful methods for crab pots, peeler pots, and fish pots; 4 VAC 20-270, which rebuilds crab resources and improves enforceability of laws pertaining to crabbing; 4 VAC 20-450, which establishes 2008 commercial bluefish quotas; and 4 VAC 20-880, which protects blue crabs by establishing additional limits on the number of crab pots that can be set or fished.

Virginia: Water

The Virginia Department of the Environment, State Water Control Board, plans to adopt amendments to fast-track regulation 9 VAC 25-820. The amendments would revise the total nitrogen and total phosphorus waste load allocations for the Doswell Wastewater Treatment Plant to exclude the portions attributable to Bear Island Paper Company. The amendments would also add separate waste load allocations for their industrial facility.

Alabama: Water

The Alabama Department of Environmental Management proposed to amend Rule 335-6-10-.07, a regulation addressing state water quality criteria. The amendment would revise the reference doses for acrolein and phenol in Appendix A. This change would create consistency with the values in EPA's Integrated Risk Information System. A hearing will be held September 4, 2008.