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Maine: Water

The Maine Department of Environmental Protection proposed adopting Chapter 342, Significant Groundwater Wells, describing the fee structure for funding contracts with third-party environmental professionals providing technical review and assessment of monitoring information related to groundwater wells as well as public information, pre-application, and pre-submission requirements associated with an application for a Natural Resources Protection Act permit for a significant groundwater well.

Michigan: Air

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division, will hold a public hearing on proposed revisions to SOAHR 2005-038EQ, SOAHR 2008-008EQ, and SOAHR 2008-009EQ, Air Pollution Control Rules.

Missouri: Air

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources proposed to adopt 10 CSR 10-2.385, Control of Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicle Idling Emissions. This rule would implement restrictions on the idling of heavy-duty diesel vehicles in the Kansas City Ozone Maintenance Area and the St. Louis Ozone Nonattainment Area. A public hearing is scheduled for September 25, 2008. Written comments are due by October 2, 2008. pp. 1573-1575.

New Hampshire: Waste

The Department of Environmental Services readopted Env-Wm 211.01, Purpose of the Hazardous Waste Procedural Rules, and Env-Wm 211.02, Applicability of Hazardous Waste Procedural Rules. The purpose of the hazardous waste rules is to identify the requirements for generating, transporting, storing, recycling, and disposing of hazardous wastes. The requirements shall apply to all procedures undertaken pursuant to RSA 147-A and rules adopted pursuant thereto, namely the hazardous waste rules.

New Jersey: Land use

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed amendments and additions to N.J.A.C. 7:7A-16, Enforcement Provisions of the Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act, to incorporate and implement changes made by P.L. 2007, c. 246, commonly referred to as the Environmental Enforcement Enhancement Act, which modified and enhanced the department's enforcement powers under various environmental protection statutes.

North Dakota: Air

The North Dakota Department of Health and the North Dakota Air Pollution Control Advisory Council will hold a public hearing on proposed new rules and amendments to North Dakota Administrative Code Article 33-15, implementing requirements under the federal CAA. Proposed rules would adopt changes to the new source performance standards, the NESHAPs for source categories, prevention of significant deterioration, and startup/shutdown rules; eliminate the annual air permit fee for local governments; and extend the time allowed for air permit applicants to respond to public comments.