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Illinois: Air

The Pollution Control Board proposed amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201, Permits and General Provisions; 35 Ill. Adm. Code 211, Definitions and General Provisions; and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 217, Nitrogen Oxides Emission. The changes would control nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from engines and turbines at 100 ton per year sources located in the Greater Chicago and Metro East/St. Louis nonattainment areas with a capacity at or greater than 500 brake horsepower or 3.5 megawatts.

Illinois: Air

The Pollution Control Board proposed amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 223, Standards and Limitations for Organic Material Emissions for Area Sources. The regulations seek to reduce volatile organic material (VOM) emissions from various consumer products and architectural and industrial maintenance products. These products represent significant, yet widely diffuse, sources of VOM and are found in various forms of consumer products used by individual households and small businesses.

Indiana: Water

The Solid Waste Management Board will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 329 IAC 9, Protection of Ground Water. The amendments would add additional protections for groundwater by under-dispenser spill containment of USTs and the secondary containment of any new or replaced USTs. The hearing will be held November 18, 2008.

Iowa: Air

The Environmental Protection Commission proposed amendments to IAC Chapter 22, Controlling Pollution, and Chapter 23, Emission Standards for Contaminants. The rulemaking would adopt new federal regulations affecting stationary internal combustion engines, gasoline distribution facilities, and surface coating operations and would amend the state air construction permitting requirements to better accommodate the new federal regulations. The proposed amendments would also adopt by reference additional, minor amendments to federal regulations. Comments are due December 9, 2008.

Iowa: Water

The Environmental Protection Commission proposed amendments to IAC Chapter 50, Scope of Division, Definitions, Forms, and Rules of Practice; and Chapter 55, Aquifer Storage and Recovery: Criteria and Conditions for Authorizing Storage, Recovery, and Use of Water. The purpose of this rulemaking is to include the fee schedule for the water use permit program in the Iowa Administrative Code.

Illinois: Air

The Pollution Control Board proposed amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 223, Standards and Limitations for Organic Material Emissions for Area Sources. The regulations seek to reduce volatile organic material (VOM) emissions from various consumer products and architectural and industrial maintenance products. These products represent significant, yet widely diffuse, sources of VOM and are found in various forms of consumer products used by individual households and small businesses.

Iowa: Water

The Environmental Protection Commission proposed to amend IAC Chapter 64, Wastewater Construction and Operation Permits; to rescind Chapter 69, Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems; and to adopt new Chapter 69, Private Sewage Disposal Systems. The amendments would establish, modify, and repeal rules relating to the location, construction, operation, and maintenance of disposal systems.

Kentucky: Air

The Department of Environmental Protection amended 401 KAR 50:066, Conformity of Transportation Plans, Programs, and Projects. This administrative regulation adopts the Federal Transportation Conformity Rules as codified in 40 C.F.R. Part 93, Subpart A.