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Pennsylvania: Water

The Department of Environmental Protection seeks public comments on proposed revisions to its NPDES General Permit for Discharges from Small Flow Treatment Facilities. The current general permit is scheduled to expire on February 4, 2009, and will continue to be in force until formal revision is completed and announced. Comments are due November 24, 2008.

South Dakota: Water

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to its Surface Water Quality Rules. The amendments would update references; correct typographical errors; clarify language; update toxic pollutant criteria; add and modify definitions; modify the dissolved oxygen, water temperature, and pH criteria; add E.

Texas: Waste

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality adopted changes to Chapter 334, Underground and Aboveground Storage Tanks. The amendments incorporate certain UST provisions of the federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 and update certain technical requirements pertaining to USTs. The changes, among other things, require proof of financial assurance to be included with annual tank self-certifications; cease annual facility fees; require secondary containment for UST systems in accordance with U.S.

Alabama: Air

The Department of Environmental Management will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Division 3, Air. The changes would incorporate minor revisions U.S. EPA made to the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) and the Acid Rain Program to clarify text. Further, the thermal efficiency calculation in the cogeneration unit definition was amended to reflect changes made by EPA to CAIR for boilers co-firing biomass that will make it possible for some additional units to qualify for the cogeneration unit exemption in these rules.

Alabama: Waste

The Department of Environmental Management will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Division 14 , Hazardous Waste Program. The amendments reflect changes made to U.S. EPA regulations from July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008. The F019 listing has been modified to exclude wastewater treatment sludges from the manufacturing of motor vehicles using a zinc phosphating process under certain conditions, and requirements concerning the availability of records for review, corrective action cost estimates, and transporter permit applications have been added.

Arizona: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality adopted amendments to R18-14, Permits and Compliance Fees. The purpose of this rulemaking is to adopt rules establishing fees for the Department§s engineering design review services for public water systems. The effective date for these rule changes is December 6, 2008. pp. 4102-4111.

Arkansas: Air

The Pollution Control and Ecology Commission will hold a public hearing on proposed changes to Regulation No.19, the SIP for Air Pollution Control. The proposal would revise the compliance date for installing best available retrofit technology (BART) air pollution control equipment to conform with U.S. EPA's Regional Haze Rule, which requires installation of BART equipment within five years of EPA approval of the Arkansas Regional Haze SIP. The hearing will be held December 10, 2008.

California: Air

The Air Resources Board has postponed the public hearing on CCR title 13 §2222(j), California Evaluation Procedures for Aftermarket Critical Emission Control Parts on Highway Motorcycles. The proposed procedures would require manufacturers to demonstrate that their aftermarket critical emission control parts would not cause vehicles to exceed applicable exhaust or evaporative emission standards.

California: Air

The Air Resources Board has postponed the public hearing on proposed amendments to CCR title 17 §94011, CP-201 Certification Procedure for Vapor Recovery Systems at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities (GDF), and addition of Test Procedure 201.8, Determination of the Permeation Rate from a Gasoline Dispensing Facility Hose. The regulation would control reactive organic gases emitted from GDF hoses. By 2014, the proposed regulation would require that existing hoses be replaced with hoses that reduce permeation.

California: Air

The South Coast Air Quality Management District will hold a public workshop on proposed amendments to Rule 1186.1, Less Polluting Sweepers. The changes would require government agencies to fully enforce contracts for sweeping services required under Rule 1186.1 subparagraph (d)(2)(A). In addition, administrative amendments are proposed to address the sweeping services when rule compliant vehicles are on order. The workshop will be held November 18, 2008.