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Indiana: Air

The Department of Environmental Management seeks public comment on new rules concerning nitrogen oxide (NOx) and sulfur dioxide emissions from fossil fuel-fired power plants. The rules would amend 326 IAC 10-4 to address Phase II ozone season NOx reductions. The department would also repeal rules at 326 IAC 24-1 and 326 IAC 24-2, which implement the federal Clean Air Interstate Rule in Indiana. Comments are due November 21, 2008.

Maryland: Air

The Department of the Environment proposed amendments to COMAR 26.11.02, Permits, Approvals and Registrations; and COMAR 26.11.09, Control of Fuel-Burning Equipment, Stationary Internal Combustion Engines, and Certain Fuel-Burning Installations. The purpose of this action is to establish nitrogen oxide (NOx) emission requirements for stationary internal combustion engines that are used as emergency generators or load shaving units.

Massachusetts: Air

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 310 CMR 7.00, Definition of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC); 310 CMR 7.03(16), Paint Spray Booths; 310 CMR 7.18(8), Solvent Metal Degreasing; and 310 CMR 7.25(12), Consumer Products. The amendments would provide additional flexibility to consumer product manufacturers in meeting VOC requirements. The VOC definition change would eliminate, for any facility that uses HFE-7300, the requirement to count HFE-7300 as a VOC in determining whether the facility meets its regulatory VOC obligations.

Nevada: Air

The State Environmental Commission will hold a regulatory hearing on proposed amendments to NAC 445B.232, Reporting Requirements for Excess Air Emissions & Clarification of Procedures for Renewal of Permits; NAC 445B, Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) & Emission Limitations for Major Electric Generating Units; and NAC 445B.001 to 445B.3497, Nevada§s Electrical Generation Unit Greenhouse Gas Emissions Mandatory Reporting Requirements (Temporary Regulation).

Nevada: Waste

The State Environmental Commission adopted amendments to NAC 445A, various provisions relating to pollution.

Nevada: Waste

The State Environmental Commission adopted amendments to NAC 444.8427, various provisions relating to the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, disposal, and management of hazardous waste. The changes provide that references to sections of the Code of Federal Regulations refer to sections of the Code of Federal Regulations as they existed on July 1, 2008.

Nevada: Water

The State Environmental Commission will hold a regulatory hearing on proposed amendments to NAC 445A.144, Revision of Molybdenum Aquatic Life Water Quality Standard. The regulation proposes changes to the aquatic life standard for molybdenum. Other minor editorial changes include revising Section 1 language, changing the location in the table of the Irrigation Standard for Iron, and revising Reference (e). The hearing will be held November 12, 2008.

New Jersey: Air

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public hearing on the proposed repeal of N.J.A.C. 7:27-31, Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Budget Program. The department proposed to repeal the December 31, 2008, expiration of the NOx Budget Program and extend the program to the 2009 ozone season, which begins on May 1, 2009. The hearing will be held December 19, 2008. Written comments are due January 16, 2009.

New York: Air

The Department of Environmental Conservation will hold a series of public hearings on proposed amendments to Part 200 of Title 6 NYCRR, Federal NESHAP Rules. The amendments would incorporate by reference the federal NESHAP regulations and correct existing typographical errors. The hearings will be held December 1, 3, and 4, 2008. pp. 15-18.