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Montana: Toxic substances

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to ARM 17.56.502, Reporting on Suspected Releases. This amendment is necessary to ensure that owners, operators, and other persons knowledgeable in the operation and maintenance of UST systems report or investigate leak detection equipment warnings, alarms, or abnormal equipment operation notifications that may indicate a release of regulated substances into the environment so that necessary actions to cease further release and initial response and abatement measures may be undertaken without delay.

New Hampshire: Waste

The Department of Environmental Services will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Env-Wm 101, 110, Hazardous Waste--Organization and Definitions; Env-Wm 210-216, Hazardous Waste--Procedural Rules; Env-Wm 351-353, Hazardous Waste--Permits; and Env-Wm 400-1100, Hazardous Waste--Identification, Requirements for Generators, Transporters, Facility Owners/Operators, Recycling, Inspections/Enforcements, Hazardous Waste Cleanup Fund, and Universal Waste. The public hearing will be held November 10, 2008.

New Hampshire: Land use

The Department of Environmental Services will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Env-Wq 1402-1406, 1412.03, Water Quality and Quantity Programs Shoreland Protection Amendments. These amendments would readopt the interim amendments as regular rules, add language to establish a longer-term permit for maintenance and repair of public infrastructure, revise what activities require a permit, and clarify permit exemptions. The hearing will be held November 14, 2008.

New Hampshire: Toxic substances

The Department of Environmental Services will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Env-Wm 1402, Control of Above Ground Petroleum Storage Facilities. The revisions are intended to clarify the existing rules and ensure that the rules are consistent with existing UST regulations and water well setback requirements set forth in other department rules. The hearing will be held November 24, 2008. pp. 11-13.

Tennessee: Air

The Department of Environment and Conservation will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 1200-03-26-.02, Construction and Annual Emission Fees. The amendment would revise the amount of annual fees being charged to Title V sources for actual and allowable emissions. The hearing will be held November 20, 2008.