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Arizona: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality has adopted amendments to R18-5-105 and R18-5-109 regarding the operator certification program for operators of both public water systems and sewage collection and treatment systems. The Department is removing the opportunity for an operator whose license is revoked to be readmitted simply by passing an examination. pp. 4527-29.

Arizona: Water

The Department of Water Resources will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to R12-15-701 through R12-15-716 relating to water supply. Persons who will be directly affected by, bear the costs of, or directly benefit from the proposed rule modifications include investors and businesses, large and small, that develop or seek to develop subdivisions or provide municipal water services, as well as agencies, businesses, and private individuals (home buyers, real estate investors, land owners, well owners, and building materials suppliers). The hearing will be January 21, 2009.

California: Air

The Air Resources Board has postponed its public hearing on proposed amendments to CCR title 17 94011, CP-201, Certification Procedure for Vapor Recovery Systems at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities (GDF), and addition of Test Procedure 201.8, Determination of the Permeation Rate from a Gasoline Dispensing Facility Hose. The regulation would control reactive organic gases emitted from GDF hoses. By 2014, the proposed regulation will require that existing hoses be replaced with hoses that reduce permeation.

California: Energy

The California Energy Commission will hold a public hearing on new regulations to define the administration of the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program. The regulations provide clarification and details regarding the following areas: Advanced Vehicle Technology, Sustainability Goals, Funding Restrictions, Advisory Body, and the Investment Plan.

California: Energy

The Department of Conservation seeks public comment on proposed adoption, amendment, and repeal of existing regulations in Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. The changes would create a supervisor position with the power to adopt regulations and to supervise the drilling, operation, maintenance, and abandonment of geothermal resources wells. This supervision includes the permitting, surveillance, and utilization of methods and practices to prevent damage to life, health, property, and natural resources. Comments are due February 2, 2009.

California: Wildlife

The Department of Fish and Game will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Title 14, Division 1, Subdivision 3, of the California Code of Regulations, pertaining to the collection of California Environmental Quality Act filing fees and the determination of no effect on fish and wildlife under Fish and Game Code section 711.4. The hearing will be February 2, 2009. pp. 2164-68.

Florida: Land use

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Rules 62B-36.001, Purpose; 62B-36.002, Definitions; 62B-36.003, Policy; 62B-36.005, Annual Funding Requests; 62B-36.006, Project Ranking Procedure; 62B-36.007, Project Cost Sharing; and 62B-36.009, Project Agreements. The changes would amend the existing rule that establishes beach erosion control funding request procedures, project ranking, cost sharing procedures, and project agreement requirements. The hearing will be January 14, 2009.

Alabama: Air

The Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) scheduled a public hearing on proposed revisions to Division 3 of the ADEM Administrative Code (Air Quality) including 335-3-10-.01, General; 335-3-10-.02, Designated Standards of Performance; 335-3-10-.03 Appendices to 40 CFR 60; 335-3-11-.01, General; 335-3-11-.06, NESHAPs for Source Categories; 335-3-17-.01, Transportation Conformity; and Appendix C, EPA Regulations Reference Documents for New Source Performance Standards and NESHAPs.