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Indiana: Air

The Air Pollution Control Board will hold a public hearing on amendments to 326 IAC 8-10, the automobile refinishing rule; new rules 326 IAC 8-14, concerning volatile organic compounds for architectural and industrial maintenance (AIM) coatings; and amendments to 326 IAC 6-6-5 and 326 IAC 7-4-14, concerning operations at ISG Burns Harbor LLC/Mittal Steel USA Burns Harbor. The hearing will be January 7, 2009.

Indiana: Water

The Natural Resources Commission adopted 312 IAC 6.3, Water Withdrawal Contracts From State Reservoirs. The rule would assist with the application of P.L.231-2007 to IC 14-25-2 with respect to water withdrawal contracts for water supply purposes from the water supply in reservoir impoundments that are financed by the state.

Indiana: Water

The Natural Resources Commission has adopted amendments to 312 IAC 1-1-21, "Lake" Defined. The amendments define "lake" for rules in 312 IAC, to coordinate with a definition of "lake" added by SEA 41-2008 to IC 14-26-2 ("Lakes Preservation Act"), to include bays and coves except for the determination of a "small lake" under IC 14-8-2-259, to clarify the inclusion of channels in a "public freshwater lake", and to specify that determinations are based upon the highest legal elevation, if a lake has more than one legal elevation.

Maryland: Climate Change

The Department of the Environment will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to COMAR 26.09, Maryland Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Budget Trading Program. These regulations apply to fossil fuel-fired generating units of 25 megawatts or greater. The first compliance period will begin on January 1, 2009, at which time these units must be registered with the Department and have a CO2 emissions monitoring system in place. The hearing will be January 7, 2009.

Massachusetts: Governance

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a series of public hearings on proposed amendments to 310 CMR 4.00, Timely Action Schedule and Fee Provisions; 310 CMR 9.00, Waterways regulations; and 310 CMR 40.0000, Massachusetts Contingency Plan of the Waste Site Cleanup program. The proposed changes will amend permit or annual compliance fee categories for environmental programs including Water Pollution Control Title 5, Water Supply, Watershed Management, Wetlands and Waterways, Environmental Laboratory Certification, Air Quality, Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste, and Mercury Management.

Nevada: Waste

The State Environmental Commission will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to R153-08, Adopt by Reference Changes to the Federal Hazardous Waste Regulations. The proposed regulation would adopt by reference changes to the federal hazardous waste regulations through July 1, 2008. Proposed changes include the revision to an existing exclusion from the definition of solid waste (and thus from regulation as hazardous waste) for recycled oil bearing hazardous secondary materials and clarifications to previously approved air pollution regulations. The hearing will be February 11, 2009.

Nevada: Water

The State Environmental Commission will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to R181-08, Ground Water; and R194-08, Public Water Systems. This regulation would amend Nevada's Water Pollution Control regulations contained in NAC 445A and also makes revisions to the design and construction portions of the public water system regulation to properly reflect the transfer of authority from the Nevada Health Division to the Division of Environmental Protection. The hearing will be February 11, 2009.

Virginia: Governance

The Department of General Services adopted amendments to 1VAC30-45, Certification for Noncommercial Environmental Laboratories; and 1VAC30-46, Accreditation for Commercial Environmental Laboratories. The regulations establish the certification program required by §2.2-1105 of the Code of Virginia for environmental laboratories submitting data to the Department of Environmental Quality under the state's air, water and waste laws.

Arizona: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to R18-2-101 through R18-2-216 regarding ambient air quality. The amendments would update the ambient air quality standards for particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than or equal to 2.5 microns, and eight-hour averaged ozone to conform to the most recent federal NAAQS. The hearing will be January 20, 2009. pp. 4593-620.

Arizona: Land use

The State Land Department has adopted amendments to R12-5-408 regarding sale and lease of state trust land. The amendments include minor, technical, and grammatical changes to improve the clarity of the rule. R12-5-408(D)(1) was rewritten to include the need for an appraisal in accordance with Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. As an alternative, the Department may perform an economic analysis of either the parcel to be patented or the remaining Certificate of Purchase lands, or both, utilizing either in-house or contracted appraisal services.