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Louisiana: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality amended LAC 33:III.2132, Air Regulations. The rule provides an exemption from Stage II vapor recovery requirements for dispensers used exclusively for the initial fueling and/or refueling of vehicles equipped with onboard refueling vapor recovery equipment. This rule enables E85 (85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline) fuel pumps to operate and dispense E85 fuel within the parishes of Ascension, East Baton Rouge, Iberville, Livingston, Pointe Coupee, and West Baton Rouge.

Louisiana: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality amended LAC 33:V.4901, Hazardous Waste Regulations. This rule exempts certain wastewater sludges from the manufacturing of automobiles and light duty vans, pick-up trucks, minivans, and sport utility vehicles from classification as hazardous waste, provided that the sludges are placed in a permitted, lined industrial solid waste landfill. pp. 2391-92.

Louisiana: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality amended LAC 33:V.105, 109, and 3105, Hazardous Waste Regulations. The amendments concern NESHAPs for hazardous waste combustors and the exclusion of oil-bearing secondary materials processed in a gasification system to produce synthesis gas. pp. 2395-97.

Louisiana: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed amendments to LAC 43:VI.101, 103, 105, 301, 303, 305, 307, 309, 311, 501, 503, 505, 507, 701, 703, 705, and Chapter 9, which set forth definitions, enforcement provisions, the procedures for registering new water wells, the procedures for seeking and declaring ground water emergencies, and areas of groundwater concern. pp. 2471-76.

Maine: Water

The Board of Environmental Protection adopted amendments to Chapter 310, Wetlands and Waterbodies. The amendments expand the categories of activity located in, on, or over wetlands of special significance that may be considered for approval by the department.

Minnesota: Waste

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency proposed amendments to Minnesota Rules 7035.0805, Renovation and Demolition Solid Waste. The rules require persons conducting demolition or renovation activities at structures to remove materials that are prohibited by law from disposal in solid waste or are generally not allowed to be accepted at unlined landfill facilities prior to commencing the demolition or renovation. The rule is intended to ensure that prohibited or unacceptable materials are removed before they are mixed in with the solid waste generated by the demolition or renovation activity.

Missouri: Air

The Department of Natural Resources proposed to amend 10 CSR 10-6.350, Emission Limitations and Emissions Trading of Oxides of Nitrogen, and 10 CSR 10-6.360, Control of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions From Electric Generating Units and Non-Electric Generating Boilers. The amendments would remove the sunset provisions from these rules that were put in place to eliminate the requirements of the rules in 2009 for facilities subject to the Clean Air Interstate Rule, which has since been vacated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

Montana: Toxic substances

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a second public hearing on proposed amendments to ARM 17.56.502, Reporting on Suspected Releases. This amendment is necessary to ensure that owners, operators, and other persons knowledgeable in the operation and maintenance of UST systems report or investigate leak detection equipment warnings, alarms, or abnormal equipment operation notifications. The hearing will be held December 16, 2008.