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Missouri: Water

The Department of Natural Resources will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 10 CSR 60-2.015, Definitions; 10 CSR 60-4.052, Source Water Monitoring and Enhanced Treatment Requirements; 10 CSR 60-4.090, Maximum Contaminant Levels and Monitoring Requirements for Disinfection By-Products; 10 CSR 60-4.092, Initial Distribution System Evaluation; 10 CSR 60-4.094, Stage 2 Disinfectants/Disinfection By-Products; 10 CSR 60-5.010, Acceptable and Alternate Procedures for Analyses; 10 CSR 60-7.010, Reporting Requirements; 10 CSR 60-8.010, Public Notification of Conditions Affecting a Public W

New Jersey: Waste

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to N.J.A.C. 7:26-2.1 and 2D.1, Requirements for Rail Carriers that Transfer Non-containerized Solid Waste to or from Rail Cars. The amendments would provide that rail carriers that transfer noncontainerized solid waste to and from rail cars are subject to the Department's permitting and operational requirements for solid waste facilities.

Missouri: Water

The Department of Natural Resources will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 10 CSR 60-2.015, Definitions; 10 CSR 60-4.052, Source Water Monitoring and Enhanced Treatment Requirements; 10 CSR 60-4.090, Maximum Contaminant Levels and Monitoring Requirements for Disinfection By-Products; 10 CSR 60-4.092, Initial Distribution System Evaluation; 10 CSR 60-4.094, Stage 2 Disinfectants/Disinfection By-Products; 10 CSR 60-5.010, Acceptable and Alternate Procedures for Analyses; 10 CSR 60-7.010, Reporting Requirements; 10 CSR 60-8.010, Public Notification of Conditions Affecting a Public W

New Jersey: Waste

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to N.J.A.C. 7:26-2.1 and 2D.1, Requirements for Rail Carriers that Transfer Non-containerized Solid Waste to or from Rail Cars. The amendments would provide that rail carriers that transfer noncontainerized solid waste to and from rail cars are subject to the Department's permitting and operational requirements for solid waste facilities.

New Mexico: Toxic substances

The New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board will hold a public hearing on New Mexico Radiation Protection Rules, 20.3.1 NMAC, General Provisions; 20.3.3 NMAC, Licensing of Radioactive Materials; 20.3.4 NMAC, Standards for Protection Against Radiation; 20.3.7 NMAC, Medical Use of Radionuclides; 20.3.13 NMAC, Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radioactive Waste; and 20.3.15 NMAC, Licenses and Radiation Safety Requirements for Irradiators. The hearing will be held January 5, 2009.

Utah: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality seeks public comment on proposed amendments to R309-700, Financial Assistance: State Drinking Water Project Revolving Loan Program; and R309-705, Financial Assistance: Federal Drinking Water Project Revolving Loan Program. The proposed amendments would add changes to the State Revolving Fund (SRF) program made by the legislature in 2007; make the rule more consistent with Rule R309-705 (Federal SRF program); clarify rule language; modify the point system used to determine the terms of the loan; and update and correct terminology and grammar.