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Rhode Island: Land use

The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management will hold a public meeting regarding the allocation of $400,000 in brownfields assessment grant fiscal year (FY) 2008 funding. The department will also discuss upcoming FY 2009 brownfields assessment grant funding. The hearing will be held June 25, 2008.

Tennessee: Wildlife

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Natural Areas, amended the rare plant protection and conservation regulations. The regulations require persons to obtain written permission from a landowner or manager before removing or destroying state-listed endangered plant species and require nursery farmers to be licensed in order to sell state-listed endangered species. The amendments will become effective August 13, 2008.

Rhode Island: Land use

The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management will hold a public meeting regarding the allocation of $400,000 in brownfields assessment grant fiscal year (FY) 2008 funding. The department will also discuss upcoming FY 2009 brownfields assessment grant funding. The hearing will be held June 25, 2008.

Utah: Toxic substances

The Utah Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend R311-203, Underground Storage Tanks: Notification, New Installations, Registration Fees, and Testing Requirements. The amendment would implement the Additional Measures to Protect Groundwater provision of the 2005 federal Energy Policy Act. A public hearing will be held July 1, 2008. Comments are due July 16, 2008. pp. 16-19.

Utah: Toxic substances

The Utah Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend R311-206-3, Requirements for Issuance of Certificates of Compliance. The amendment would require that an underground storage tank owner or operator submit to the Executive Secretary an as-built drawing of a new system in order to obtain a certificate of compliance. A public hearing will be held July 1, 2008. Comments are due July 16, 2008. pp.19-20.

Alabama: Air

The Alabama Department of Environmental Management, Air Division, gives public notice of a hearing on amendments to Administrative Code 335-3-4. Changes to this regulation would allow continuous opacity monitoring systems to be used as the compliance method, remove the hourly 40% opacity exemption, limit non-exempt opacity exceedances to 24 six-minute periods per day, and limit the average daily opacity to 22%. The hearing will be held August 6, 2008.