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Montana: Waste

The Montana Department of Environmental Quality gives notice of an extended public comment period and a second hearing on a proposed adoption, amendment, and repeal pertaining to landfill groundwater monitoring and corrective action. The regulations now mention appendices that list contaminants for which groundwater detection and assessment must be done and for which standards must be adopted. The additional hearing will be held July 9, 2008. Comments are due July 23, 2008.

Nebraska: Waste

The Nevada State Environmental Commission is proposing to adopt by reference changes to the federal hazardous waste regulations through July 1, 2008. Changes include the revision to an existing exclusion from the definition of solid waste, and thus from regulation as hazardous waste, for recycled oil bearing hazardous secondary materials and clarifications to previously approved air pollution regulations.

New Hampshire: Wildlife

The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department proposed to readopt, with amendments, the endangered and threatened species lists. The department also proposed to readopt Fis 1001.03, which addresses the permitted taking of endangered or threatened species for scientific study, and Fis 1001.04, which addresses the requirement to notify the department of field research. A public hearing will be held July 9, 2008. Comments are due July 21, 2008. p. 1.

New Jersey: Water

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection adopted amendments to the Surface Water Quality Standards at N.J.A.C. 7:9B. The amendments modify the definition of "category one waters" and add new definitions for "Exceptional Ecological Significance," "Exceptional Fisheries Resource(s)," "Exceptional Water Supply Significance," and "HUC [hydrologic unit code] 14." The department also adopted amendments to upgrade approximately 686 river miles to the category one antidegradation designation.

New Mexico: Land use

The New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department and the Taxation and Revenue Department adopted 3.13.20 NMAC, a regulation that establishes whether land donations or lands of interest to public or private conservation agencies made on or after January 1, 2004, are eligible for the land conservation incentives tax credit.

New York: Wildlife

The New York Department of Environmental Conservation adopted section 192.5 of Title 6 NYCRR, an emergency rulemaking that protects the state's forests from invasive insects carried on firewood and introduced into non-infested forests. The regulation was passed to prevent the transportation of potentially infested firewood by campers during the height of the state's camping season. pp. 5-9.